
random ramblings of an unconscious mind

Monroe is my methadone

Do any of you suffer from House withdrawal symptoms? Sure there are many new medical shows on TV this season (joining Grey’s Anatomy and Private Practice) like the comedic Mindy Project and Animal Practice, or the dramatic Mob Doctor and Emily Owens. However, none can cover the need for a genius doctor, that does not care about being likable. I realized my withdrawal from House, when watching Emily Owens, where i displayed symptoms of skewed morality. The show was too moral and goody two-shoes for me, like it was dripping with caramel, and all things sweet, leaving me thirsty for something clear and crisp.

So i turned to the British TV community, where last year Monroe was broadcasted on ITV. This medical drama pungent with satiric banter has been accused of being an English rip-off of House MD, starring James Nesbitt (The Hobbit).

After watching a some episodes of the series i realized the reason for the comparison, but i have to admit that this series differs from House greatly, in the fact that the protagonist is not the only one who is being sarcastic but the rest of the cast has a mean strike as well. Whereas in House, the accompanying cast were trying to oppose his god-complex and misanthropic qualities, in Monroe the hospital staff are also self-absorbed egotistical bastards, with unexpected double-edged one-liners that might be shocking to some, and witty to others. Furthermore, there is a lot of medical procedures being shown, since the protagonist is a chief-neurosurgeon who talks to his patients, and the series is in general infused with daily drama. Another positive attribute of the series is the music scoring, which includes tracks by Belle and Sebastian or Nick Cave.

So it might not be House, but that it is not necessarily a bad thing, it will, at least, be something that can take the edge of…

2 comments on “Monroe is my methadone

  1. karvounaki
    November 13, 2012

    I think I need to watch this. Do you keep the episodes?

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